The Bye Bye Man (2017) Movie Review

The Bye Bye Man (2017) Review

So, like I said, this movie is far worse than "Sleepless" was. It's called a horror movie but I did not see the horror. Or anything scary, for that matter. Like "Sleepless", this movie also uses a familiar plot and relies on cliches and cheap jump scares. But you can take the "scares" word out of the context. The movie starts off good, especially the seance scene, but then it falls into the cliche pit. It borrows elements from other horror movies, good horror movies, and tries to construct an original story. It fails in doing so and becomes another horror movie that is just there. No originality, nothing remotely scary, it's boring and you should not watch this movie except if you want to waste an hour and a half out of your life. It's not worth it, trust me! Doug Jones did a very good job and he looked menacing. But he was so brief in the movie that it does not save this particular specimen. 3/10

OK guys, those are the reviews for today. Tomorrow will be the "Power Rangers" movie. The old ones and the new one. Till then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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