Sleepless (2017) Movie Review

Sleepless (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today I'm reviewing two movies that are using the same tired plot in their particular genres. For example, this one is yet another crime drama with dirty cops, bad men, kidnapping, the bad guys take the child of the officer/agent and that particular officer/agent goes on a rampage to get him/her back. The movie is predictable, with many of this genres cliches, the plot is familiar as fuck, from the movie "Ransom" with Mel Gibson all the way to the "Taken" franchise. I mean, give me something original. It's a shame, because the movie has a talented cast, which is wasted, and some very good material to work with. Putting these two elements together, you can make an awesome crime movie but instead we are watching the same old thing. It has more cliches and predictable outcomes than thrills. The action is kinda good though. But that's it. See it, don't see it, is entirely up to you. One thing I can tell you. This one is better than the next movie I'm reviewing. 6/10


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