The Ring (2002) Movie Review

The Ring (2002) Review

Let us go back to the past, when horror movies were more than just cheap jump scares, gore, buckets of blood and cliches. This movie is not you're average horror movie. It is more than a horror movie. It's a mystery thriller with horror elements in it. An investigation tale, if you will. The style, the gloomy atmosphere and the dark tone of the movie makes it stand above other horror movies. Boasted by an excellent performance from Naomi Watts, with creepy visuals and Gore Verbinski's somber style of filming, "The Ring" gives you a chilling movie experience. It's got it's share of plot holes and there are some slow moments that can be boring but, in the end, the movie gives you a terrifying premise. Re watch the scene towards the end and you'll know what I'm talking about. Too bad that the sequel wasn't as good as this. But more on that tomorrow. 7.9/10

OK guys, those are the reviews for today. Tomorrow is time for the other two "Ring" movies: "The Ring Two" and "Rings". 'Till then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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