Power Rangers (2017) Movie Review

Power Rangers (2017) Review

Now we get to the remake. What I liked about this new movie is that they took away the campy look and gave it a more darker tone. It shifted into turbo, pun intended. The movie looks great. They did a very good job in making this movie, with the zords, the suites and the Megazord, all of the special and visual effects look incredible. Yes, once again, the script is childish, the story is familiar, it's an origin story that we have seen before and it takes a while until it shifts into another gear but the message that it transmits makes all of this worthwhile. It's a message about working as one, as a team. The power lies in many, not just in one. It's a message for all generations. It teaches us to be more selfless, to help one another, to care about each other and to help each other when the going gets rough. Awesome! And the message is better received when you have fresh faces in your movie. All of the cast performed excellent, Elizabeth Banks, as much as over the top that she was, she stole every scene she was in. And Alpha 5 is not that annoying. Bill Hader does an excellent job as the voice. The humor is of good quality and I liked how they managed to create a mix between "The Breakfast Club" and "Chronicle". Being a Power Rangers fan, I was pleased with the end result. More Power Rangers! It's morphin' time! I forgot to mention to other things: first is the insane product placement of the "Krispy Kreme" doughnuts in the final act of the movie and the second is a brief cameo that the real Power Rangers will notice. Blink and you might miss it! 7.5/10

OK guys, those are the reviews for today. Next week, we shall see. Till then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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