Rings (2017) Movie Review

Rings (2017) Review

To little to late for this one, I'm afraid. Why does this movie exist!? I mean, it's bad. It's even worse that "The Ring Two", if you think that's possible. If you are a true fan of this franchise it does have a couple of well made thrills but, for me, not being a fan of this film series didn't work. The movie rehashes plot points from previous movies, it does not offer anything new to the genre, it's full of cheap jump scares and cliches. Plus, the story is kinda confusing at times. Like I said, there are some scary bits and some suspense but it's nothing that I haven't seen before. The first movie had better CGI than this and IT'S 2017! It's not scary, apart from a couple of scenes and it does not offer a closure. Plus, the final act the movie transforms into "Don't Breathe", which is a good movie. Only an ending, which I kinda liked, that sets out a sequel which, I'm hoping, it doesn't get made. A big shout out to Bonnie Morgan, who plays Samara. That chick is awesome but the movie not so much! 4.5/10

OK guys, those are the reviews for today. Tune in this week, because I'm on a roll. I will be posting reviews for "Get Out", "Personal Shopper", A Dog's Purpose" and some other movies. 'Till then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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