Clouds of Sils Maria (2015) Movie Review

Clouds of Sils Maria (2015) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today we continue the reviews for serious movies starting Kristen Stewart. So this movie is made by the same director that made "Personal Shopper" which I already reviewed. And I can tell you, I liked more than "Personal Shopper". Director Olivier Assayas has a trademark apparently. He uses the fade to black technique. He used it in "Personal Shopper" and in this one, also. This technique is good for tv shows but not for movies. Each time the screen cuts to black I'm feeling that a particular scene could have continued for a couple of seconds. It kinda cuts you from the story, so to speak. The pacing is still slow but the story keeps you interested. The performances are exquisite and are given by a trio of very talented actresses. Although you don't see the particular play, just a bit at the end, you see it through the movie, thru the interactions between Juliette Binoche's and Kristen Stewart's characters. Speaking of, great chemistry between those two. It's an intense drama, smart and interesting with some excellent cinematography and very detailed. It's a story about two points of view: the young and the more experienced. I didn't wanna say old because no one is old in this movie. A better movie than the previous. 7.5/10

OK guys, this is my review for today. We continue tomorrow with "Camp X-Ray". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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