Ghost in the Shell (1996) Movie Review

Ghost in the Shell (1996) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! So, I just saw 5 movie this past weekend and I'm going to review them one per day. So today I'm reviewing the original anime that the "Ghost in the Shell" remake is based on. A review on that remake will be up tomorrow. Not being a fan of the manga series I just saw this anime because of the remake. And I was impressed with this. It can satisfy the fans of the manga and, also, the new comers into this world. The movie impresses with excellent animation, powerful and engaging themes plus excellent action sequences. The title of the movie refers on the ghost or spirit of a human that is contained into an artificial shell, transforming that human into a cyborg. And I can bet that this anime was an direct influence to the Wachowski brothers/sisters for "The Matrix". Because you can see the similarities between "The Matrix" and this. It's themes are very though provoking concerning technology and it's influence over humans. A theme that is, also, in these days present, with the technology advancing every day. So I can recommend this without a doubt. 8.5/10

OK guys, that is all for today. Like I said, tomorrow the remake "Ghost in the Shell" will be reviewed. So, take care and keep on reviewing!


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