Ghost in the Shell (2017) Movie Review

Ghost in the Shell (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! So, like I said, today I'm reviewing the remake of the original anime (the review for that is already posted). First of all, the movie looks excellent. The special and visual effects department did an awesome job. Director Rupert Sanders keeps it faithful to the source material and you can see the similarities between them. Another note on the visual effects, they make the movie look like the original anime. Of course, you can the similarities with other movies, mainly "Blade Runner" with the visual style, "The Matrix" with the action sequences, although I talked about the original anime being an inspiration to the Wachowski's in creating Matrix and "RoboCop" with the all cyborg story. An excellent performance from Scar Jo, proven once again that she is an action hero or heroine. The negative parts about this movie is that the story is kinda familiar and sometimes it deviates, especially towards the end, from it's source material. You can enjoy most of this movie but towards the end it kinda looses focus and becomes hollow and dull. Sometimes boring. I enjoyed it, most of it, and you should definitely see this in theaters on the biggest screen you can find. An IMAX screen is in order. So, the movie looks good and pretty but it lacks a certain personality. 7.2/10

OK guys, that is all for today. Tomorrow I am going to post a review for "Unbreakable". Till then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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