Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995) Movie Review

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today is Power Rangers day, like I told you. Before I review the remake, I will talk about the old Power Rangers movies. So, if you feel nostalgic, this is the place to be. So, like many, I am a Power Rangers fan but I'm not going to sugar coat this. The movie is bad to look at. Is cheesy, like the TV Show of course, the effects are awful, like very awful, the story is unoriginal and the villain's plot to destroy the world is stupid. The Rangers themselves look a little bland and the biggest problem is, they don't appear very much in their costumes. If you thought "Batman and Robin" was full of awful puns and one liners, wait till you check this movie out. And all those "swoosh" sounds are terrible. Sound like old martial arts movies. And the rangers have gizmos that don't appear in the original TV Show. Of course, the script is childish and dumb because it stayed truth to the show. At one point, the movie turned into the "Wizard of Oz". And it has a "Star Wars" like opening. It's cringe worthy to stay thru all this movie but, if you are a Power Rangers fan, you will succeed. That's all I have to say. 5/10


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