Man of Steel (2013) Movie Review

Man of Steel (2013) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Plus, HAPPY INTERNATIONAL CHILD'S DAY! On this special occasion, I prepared a treat of a review, with the first movie from the extended DC universe. First of all, I am a huge fan of Christopher Reeve's "Superman". And the second. Even a little bit of the third. I hated the 4th one and "Superman Returns" was kinda of a letdown. With this one, I can say that I have feelings about it. The movie is not bad, we get the origin story of Superman slightly changed. The main story is still there but with some differences. Being a Zack Snyder film, we all know that he's more of a more action and visuals less story director. And we all know that his movies look incredible. There is no denying that this movie has an excellent visual style and impressive action sequences, although the fight at the end of the movie is extremely similar with the fight at the end of "Matrix Revolutions". And that's not a good comparison. The movie lacks what made the first "Superman" a hit. It lacks the humor, the colors and all of the joy is gone. What we get instead is a dark, gritty and kinda of a depressing superhero flick. Yes, the effects are 100 times cooler but the whole feeling of funny and corny humor is gone. Plus, the original theme song is nowhere to be found. In all fairness, the score in this movie is pretty good but when you hear that John Williams theme, you will believe a man could fly. Performances are OK, Henry Cavill is kinda wooden and stiff in his performances but the dude is buffed. I gotta know his training program, so I can become that. I was very excited to hear of a new Superman movie but, when I left the theater in 2013, I was a bit disappointed. However, I liked that, at the beginning, we get to see, up close, how Krypton was destroyed and it was good to receive some new information about that part of the story. Overall, the movie looks great, it feels good but, in the end, it's just a generic summer blockbuster. 7.2/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Tomorrow, we continue with DC, reviewing "Batman v Superman" and ending with "Wonder Woman". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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