The Belko Experiment (2017) Movie Review

The Belko Experiment (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Have you wondered what will happen if you combine the violence from "Battle Royale" and the office style from "Office Space"? What would the end result be? Well, we got an answer and it's this movie. Everyone who saw those two movies will immediately figured it out that this one is a combination of those two. The violence is there, but it takes it's time before it begins and the feeling on an office movie is there. A lot of gore as well. Unfortunately, the movie lacks the intelligence to make you engaged in the carnage that begins after 30-40 minutes. And it's an hour and 25 movie. The action is good, the entire cast is great, the gore and blood splatter is nicely done and it's a fun and thrilling experience. But, like I said, it lacks the smarts and originality to be a good movie. It's entertaining but that's about it. 6.2/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, who knows. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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