Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017) Movie Review

Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! So, in 2011 and 2013 Sony Pictures decided to launch two Smurf movies that blended CGI with live-action and I saw both of them. I strongly recommend not to see those two movies because there are so bad that it is torture to watch them. So, with this animated movie, this time around, I thought Sony had figured it out a way to make a good Smurfs movie but unfortunately this is not the case. Yes, I like that they decided to go full animation here, although it doesn't look that good but it's targeted audience are very young children. The humor is for children, the jokes are for children, with the occasional and so ever present fart and but joke and the whole concept of the movie is for children and no one else. With someone like me, not a kid but young, this movie does not work. It did not impressed me in any way. Plus, I thought it borrowed elements from "Minions" and "Trolls". And the movie's title should have been "Smurfette: Origins". Because the whole movie is about her, her origins and to find out who she is and what is her purpose in this world. She is the main character. Not even the famous lost village from the title is the main focus. Pfffffff! Look, it may please the very young viewers but the predictable story and the whole concept will disappoint the others. Maybe Sony should stop doing movies with the Smurfs because the bar was set very low and it did not rise with this one. 5/10

OK guys, that is my review for this movie. Tomorrow, maybe I'll do a review for "The Lost City of Z". Maybe! Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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