The Mummy (1999) Movie Review

The Mummy (1999) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! So, because there is a new "Mummy" movie coming out this week, I've decided to revisit the Brendan Fraser trilogy that involves a mummy and things that don't really make sense. We kick things off with the first one, a movie that it is forgettable but it's so much fun to watch. There are mostly negatives like the movie is not historically accurate, some of the things in this movie don't make sense or have any logic, it's not that scary and the story is predictable and unoriginal. Another aspect of this movie is the CGI, which sometimes works and other times doesn't. It's funny, it has some genuine humor and most of the time it plays well into the story. What makes the movie good is that you kinda don't care that it's not historically accurate or anything else. You just wanna have a good time and the movie delivers on that. It has some good action, characters that make very poor and unwise decisions which lead to some fun and tense situations. It has good performances, Brendan Fraser is likable and the chemistry between him and Rachel Weisz was really nice. Plus, Rachel Weisz looks incredible. And John Hanna is a good comic relief. Overall, this movie is not good and it has some flaws but it's a fun ride that you can enjoy every time. 7/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, "The Mummy Returns". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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