Panic Room (2002) Movie Review

Panic Room (2002) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Well, this review was not planned but I wanted to see this movie for a long time now. And last night was the perfect occasion. And I wasn't disappointed. The atmosphere, the tension, the suspense is thrilling. And the movie is even better with the directorial talent of David Fincher and elevated by Jodie Foster's performance. And we are introduced to Kristen Stewart, who gives a good performance. We have some comedic moments as well, mainly from Jared Leto's character and his interaction with the other two. And I don't know if it was just me but I think there is a contrast between the panic room and the rest of the house. The whole movie, the house is mainly dark or is poorly illuminated. But when the female characters enter the panic room, the light in there is brighter, suggesting a higher sense of security and hope for the mother and the daughter. And I liked the dynamic between Forest Witaker's character and the other two. You can see that he is a guy with morals and has a conscience. He only wants the money to help his family, as the others only want to have the money for themselves. He is a bad good guy. The ending is a bit predictable but satisfying. It's not on the level of "Seven", "Fight Club" or even "The Game" but it's close to it. It's a gripping and excellent thriller. 7.5/10

OK guys, that is the review for today. Sadly, there are not going to be any reviews this weekend but, next wee, get ready for "Transformers". I will be reviewing all the movies including the animated one from 1986, ending with the review for "The Last Knight". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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