The Bad Batch (2017) Movie Review
The Bad Batch (2017) Review
Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! So, this movie was not on my radar to watch this week but I figured, why not give it a try? The movie is not good. It's not bad either, it has it's moments but the whole plot is confusing. The script is poorly written, the story almost makes no sense, it's very slow paced and it is almost two hours. Way to much length for what this movie is. Imagine this movie like a Mad Max type of stuff and striped it of all the action and thrills. It certainly has the feel of a Mad Max movie, with the environment and the characters but it's nothing like that. The movie showed promise, with it's good cast and weird story but the end result falls flat. The characters are not engaging but the actors did a good job. And you are not sure in which genre you can fit this movie. Plus, I don't understand why Jim Carrey, who is clearly in the movie, is not credited. Overall, a promising movie but a disappointing result. 6/10
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