Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Movie Review

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! So, today we are taking about the second movie in the Michael Bay series of Transformers. I forgot to mention, in my other review, that these movies are excessively long, so this one is just as long as the first. There is not much to say about these movie because there all the same. About this one you can say that everything is amplified times 1000 than the first one. Extreme and awesome action, with some unbelievable and exaggerated explosions, bad and racist humor, bad script, an awful and full of holes plot, where nothing makes sense and there is no logic whatsoever, extreme product placement and too much slow motion, shaky cam that makes it harder to distinguish anything in the fight scenes, awful dialog and new characters that don't bring anything to the table. Like I said, many things in this movie are illogical and don't make sense but it overcompensates with the crazy mayhem and chaos. Exaggerated but entertaining, nonetheless. The comedic element in this are the twins and Sam's parents but they don't work at all. Sam's parents are annoying and the humor of the twins is mainly racist and offensive. On top of that, we have pee jokes and scrotum jokes. Exactly what we want to see. Maybe the worst of the series but let's see how the fifth one will be. 6.2/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, "Dark of the Moon". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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