T2 Trainspotting/ Trainspotting 2 (2017) Movie Review

T2 Trainspotting/ Trainspotting 2 (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Like I said, today is the sequel to "Trainspotting". You know how they say that a sequel cannot top the original, with very few examples, and most of all, a sequel that is too little too late will not work, with a recent example, "Zoolander 2". Well, this is not the case. Yes, between the first one and this there is a 20 years gap but that's one of the reasons why this movie works, especially with a time gap that long. The movie does not top the original but it came close. It introduces to us, once again, these characters and what they've been up to in all that time that passed. It ads a new story, with some pieces from the first movie, making it close to how the first one was. A few scenes are reminiscent of other scenes from the first movie, which kinda worked and it kinda didn't. Just let the movie stand on it's own and not rely on the original. It's still funny, intoxicating and a really good follow-up of the first one. Not as fresh and thrilling as the original but, nonetheless, a good and solid movie. The whole cast is back with great performances like in the first one. The title of the movie, my guess, is that they've wanted to compare it with "Terminator 2" because that one has better than the original and they said that this is going to be better than the original. It's not but, like I said, it's not far from it. 8/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. This week, I will revisit "The Mummy" trilogy because there is another mummy coming out this week. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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