The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008) Movie Review

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! So, this third entry in the "Mummy" series, like it's villain, should have stayed buried. There are so many wrong things about this movie that I don't know if I remember all of them. First of all, the whole mythology from the previous movies is gone and the location as well is changed. Other thing is that they replaced Rachel Weisz with Maria Bello but leaving the same character. Just like Nolan did with "The Dark Knight and the character of Katie Holmes. I mean you don't do that and expect that the character remains the same because every actor has a different style in his/hers performance. Plus the chemistry between Brendan Fraser and Maria Bello is, almost, nonexistent. The script is dull, the plot is complex and unoriginal. It relies heavily on CGI that it becomes over- saturated. Again, it borrows from "Indiana Jones", mainly from "Temple of Doom". That chase scene from China is definitely inspired by the one from the second Indiana Jones movie. The action is fairly good but, mainly, disappointing. Plus, the movie does not know what it wants to be. Scary? Funny? Both? Because it fails on all three of them. It's a sequel that should have stayed in it's coffin and buried six feet under. The first one should have been that last one. That's all I'm saying. 5.5/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Unfortunately, I'm not going to post a review for "The Mummy" 2017 because the idiots that run the movie theater in my town decided not to show this movie. So that review will be posted as soon as I see the movie. This week, reviews, maybe, for "Office Space", "The Belko Experiment" etc. It's my final week of finals so I'm not sure when I will post these but I will try to be on schedule. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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