Transformers (2007) Movie Review

Transformers (2007) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! We begin today the Michael Bay era with the first "Transformers". Let me tell you something, I know that these movies are slammed by critics all the time and even by the public. But for me, these movies are a guilty pleasure. I can turn my brain off for almost 2 and a half hours and just enjoy the mayhem and chaos. But, make no mistake, I will review the shit out of these movies. The main problem, and this is in all of the movies from this series, is the human element of the movie. That is the main focus and it should not be. The humans should be in the back round, helping the autobots. But I think it's exactly the opposite. And of course, no one can deny that the action and special effects are incredible. Confusing but incredible. That is the style of Michael Bay: more action and less story. Although the action is great, the story is weak but, in this one, I think it has the more logic than in any of the other movies. The script is awful, the characters are non believable, some parts of the story don't make sense and it's just plain stupid. The opening sequence is great but, when you cut to Shia's character and the main focus becomes his teen life, you are taken out of the movie. The ending is nonsensical but the overall battle is awesome. The actors are all right, even Megan Fox, although they did not had to over sexualise her because she is hot, we know it. The humor does not work, most of the time and it's kinda offensive. Overall, the movie works very well as a dumb action/SF piece but, in other departments, it falls apart. 7.3/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, "Revenge of the Fallen". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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