A Very Harold and Kumar 3-D Christmas (2011) Movie Review

A Very Harold and Kumar 3-D Christmas (2011) Review

Before the movie "The Night Before" there this one, the third outing in the outrageous Harold and Kumar trilogy. This movie is off the hook, it's chaotic, it's weirdly funny and, surprisingly full of heart. It does not skip the hit and miss tradition that this movies have but it shows us a new side of these two characters, a more sweeter side. The humor is, from time to time, a bit questionable and a bit raunchy and the use of the 3-D is great but over exaggerated, from my part. In almost every scene that contain something crazy they used the 3-D. It was overused and that is my concern with this movie. Despite that it's a fairly good movie, a good comedy and a new side for the series. And it's about Christmas so that's good.+ it contains NPH. 7/10


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