Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Movie Review

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Review

This movie puts the word "war" into Star Wars. We were promised a war movie we got exactly that. You can see the connections with the Star Wars mythology, especially with the original trilogy, from the dated technology, the outfits and the ships and war machinery. We have a new narrative, new characters and Darth Vader himself in his prime. The Darth Vader in this movie is nothing like the one from the original saga, he is in his prime in this story line, more powerful and more terrifying. The last scene in the movie gives you a look at the ultimate Vader. The movie starts off good introducing to us the main character, Jyn Erso, before it slows down a little bit in the second act of the movie. We have a few tense scenes between act one and two culminating in the third act with an amazing battle on an unique tropical planet, which is new in the Star Wars universe. The characters are not developed enough, unfortunately and, like I said, the movie has a slow pace in some parts. Gareth Edwards uses the same filming style like he did in "Monsters" and the 2014 "Godzilla". He films almost everything on a larger scale, giving it a more menacing look, which is great. The technology that recreated Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher is excellent and revolutionary. You can see that is digital, knowing that Peter Cushing has past and Carrie Fisher does not look like she did in "A New Hope", but most of the time, mainly Peter Cushing, looks very real, like he is in the movie. O, I didn't mention the droid, K-2SO. He is like a C3-PO on steroids and Alan Tudyk does a great job voicing it. They have nailed it with this movie, predicting a great future for the franchise. I am very pleased with this movie, with the action, the effects, the story and Vader, being the Vader that we were waiting for. I would have liked the characters to be more developed. Also, like I said, in some parts the movie is a bit slow, mainly the second act, but overall the movie is great and it ties in very well with "A New Hope". It demonstrated that a Star Wars prequel can be very good and entertaining. Great work! 9/10


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