The Disappointments Room (2016) Movie Review

The Disappointments Room (2016) Review

My final review of the year and my last movie of this year was, like its title, a DISAPPOINTMENT. There is nothing scary in this movie. It relies on a never ending haunted house plot, which we have seen dozen of times in better horror movies, many horror cliches of course and some cheep jump scares. Nothing in this movie screams original. Nothing. Kate Beckinsale looks good, and her performance is OK, but is not enough. It's like comedy movies. The main reason you see a comedy movie is that you want to laugh. As for horror movies, you want to be scared, you want to enjoy it. This movie does nothing in that department. It is boring and dragging it's feet. Luckily, is just under an hour and a half, so you don't have to endure it for a long time. It's a bad movie. 4/10


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