Yoga Hosers (2016) Movie Review

Yoga Hosers (2016) Review

Kevin Smith, what were you thinking when you made this movie? It's a boll of crap. It is basically a unofficial sequel to his other weird and disturbing movie, "Tusk", which I liked, despite its twisted story. That movie,at least, had some dark and twisted humor. This one has nothing. It's not funny, it's boring, it's effects are laughable, the only jokes that it contains are poop jokes, but jokes and the all time favorite penis jokes. The plot is nowhere to be found, the writing is awful and it was just a unnecessary movie. The main characters did not deserve their own movie, that swift appearance in "Tusk" was enough but being the daughters of Johnny Depp and Kevin Smith takes you a long way. Even Johnny Depp could not save this movie, although his character was the only good thing about this movie. It has a few nice ties with Smith's other movie like Clerks or Jay and Silent Bob and he brought Stan Lee into this, which I don't know if it's good or bad. Overall, it's a bad movie. 4.5/10


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