Black Christmas (1974) Movie Review

Black Christmas (1974) Review

So before Margot Kidder was the object of Superman's affection, she starred in this classic slasher/Christmas movie. It took me by surprise because it is so damn smart and ingenious. It's very different from other slasher movies like Halloween or Friday the 13th or even Nightmare on Elm Street. It's got suspense, the tension is tangible, the atmosphere is grim and dark, the camera angles and the POV shots from the killers perspective, which remains unknown, are incredible. It goes from a slasher movie to a gripping and tense police thriller. The killer, like I said, is never shown, which amps the ante in the terror department. The calls are disturbing and weird, plus we get a nice combination of suspense and scares and no gore exaggeration. Of course the quality of the movie is dated but the whole spookiness of the entire movie is worth to watch. The score is good to. Recommended 100%! 8/10


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