Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009) Movie Review

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009) Review

Hi guys, I'm back with more reviews for the Underworld franchise. Today is the third movie which is a prequel and, I might add, an unnecessary one. I did not need to know how this war began because, in the first movie, we find out what the answer was. It tried to be a good prequel but it failed on every turn. Another bad thing about this movie is that Kate Beckinsale is not in it and you can tell. Although Rhona Mitra tries her best to fill in the role she does not succeed very well. On the plus side it does have some good things as well. It has good action, good effects, well crafted fights and the final battle is satisfying enough that you can give this movie a watch, without trying to understand the story. The death of one character is, unfortunately, pointless because seeing the first movie you know the identity of that said character. No fresh for this one either. 6.2/10


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