The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016) Movie Review

The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016) Review

I can say that I did not expect this movie to be great but I was mistaken. This movie is awesome. The atmosphere, the tension, the creepiness of the story, the mystery of the body, all of this mixed up give you a unique and chilling movie experience. It starts off great, it builds up very nicely to an excellent ending. The performances are very good, Emile Hirsch and Brian Cox doing a very nice job portraying these characters. When you look at its title you would think that this movie is going to have gruesome and bloody violence but instead you get a smart and creepy thrill ride. Great job from the director as well, Andre Ovredal, who did "Troll Hunter", which I haven't see but planning to do so after I saw this movie. Job well done and keep it up. On the down side there are some classic horror cliches but you can glance over that by watching and paying attention to the captivating story. 8.9/10


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