Incarnate (2016) Movie Review

Incarnate (2016) Review

I was very disappointed with this movie because it has a very interesting premise and a new take on the demon "eviction". The movie is almost, barely, an hour and a half but you don't get many explanations of how did the main character got his powers or anything. It borrows some "ingredients" from other movies like "Inception", "The Cell", "Insidious" (it's the same company that made these movies so I can buy that), "Inception" and, of course, "The Exorcist". What comes from all of this mess is a slow, boring, not that scary, predictable and unoriginal horror movie. Like I said, the movie has a slow pace and thru this slow pace we get 2 or 3 "tense" scenes to take us out of limbo. Those scenes have nothing to offer because there are not that long and not really developed. Like I said, the plot is unoriginal and familiar but it has that new take that would have been great to see if the movie was better created. Performances are alright and it's great to see that miss Carice Van Houten does other roles than the Red Priestess on "Game of Thrones". Overall, the premise is interesting but the movie is not great or good. Better watch "The Exorcist" (movie and tv show) or another great tv show, "Outcast". 4.5/10


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