The Great Wall (2017) Movie Review

The Great Wall (2017) Review

I had a blast seeing this movie. It has some issues, of course, but the action, the battles, the costumes, the visual and special effects and the camera work are the good points for this movie. The director knows how to use his camera to give us the most dazzling visual experience. The costume design for the armors looked very good and I liked it that there all were different colors to establish the fight force of the army. Speaking of the army, well organized man. The CGI for the monsters was OK, I wasn't bothered by that. Matt Damon does action well, so no problem there. Pedro Pascal, the guy from "Game of Thrones", and Willem Dafoe were good additions to the movie, Pascal being the comic relief. The problem is that it looks like a Hollywood blockbuster which we have enough of. It was made in China so I thought I am going to get something different but its the same recipe. I would have like it to be more story than special effects and CGI because the legend of awesome. I would have like to know more about that. You should definitely see this in 3D, in theaters. 7.3/10


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