Max Steel (2016) Movie Review

Max Steel (2016) Review

This is a movie that only select few have seen it. Why? Because it is horrible, boring, unoriginal, familiar, useless and, did I mention boring? I did? Well I'm going to say it again: BORING. The plot is nothing new, the action is missing, except for, maybe, 2 scenes, the special effects look lazy and cheep and the whole movie is a waste of time. The final battle is, maybe, a plus, but staying and enduring the whole movie just to get to that scene is not worth it. It reminded me of "I am Number Four", which was not a great movie, but at least that one had some action, romance, some average special effects and some teenage drama. This has nothing to be entertaining or interesting. Steel was OK, I think he is the best part of the movie. Also, the suite looks good but it only appears three times and very briefly. Overall, see some Marvel or a DC movie. Don't see this one. 4/10


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