The Santa Clause (1994) Movie Review

The Santa Clause (1994) Review

What do you get when you combine Disney and Christmas? Well I'm gonna tell you. This movie right here. Taking a break from all the modern yuletide movies, we are introduced to a much more traditional and old-fashioned Christmas movie. You can feel the spirit of Christmas all around this movie taking you thru the whole process of becoming Santa Claus and the operation that is delivering presents to all world's children. This movie is great, funny, witty and full of joy. The jokes are good, performances are good and Tim Allen does a great job as Santa/Scott Calvin. Of course it's got flaws. It starts slow, the plot is a bit muddled, a bit boring some times but overall, the movie is about faith, family and the joy of Christmas. P.S.- Scott Calvin has the same initials as Santa Clause. What a coincidence, right? What more of a sign do you need? Getting of topic here. The movie is good, not great, but is worth a watch on Christmas. Is definitely better than the next two. 7.4/10


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