Ben-Hur (2016 version) Movie Review

Ben-Hur (2016) Review

Here's an idea: do a remake of a classic tale, not adding anything else to make it stand on its one except for eye candy CGI and you get this movie by the director of Wanted (awesome movie) and AL: Vampire Hunter (not so awesome). It does not have the emotion, the acting or the impact like the original had. It's just a remake that should have not existed but Hollywood is Hollywood. I admit, there are some decent things that are fairly enjoyable like the naval battle or the chariot race but is not enough to make this one fresh. It's pace is slow and the soundtrack is not that good either. The second trailer of the movie had a cool song: "Ceasefire" from for King and Country but it does not appear in the movie. The cinematography is a bit fade and the visual effects are some parts good some parts not. Mostly not. For the original movie from 1959 with the great Charlton Heston, which I saw, I would give a 10/10. But for this one, which is mostly boring and with a lead actor, Jack Huston(we have a problem), which gives a wooden performance for the most part and with a ending that is more fit for a Disney movie, I would give 5/10.


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