A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) Movie Review

A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) Review

Hi guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! No, this is not a review of the Netflix TV show with Neil Patrick Harris, which I binged watch the whole 1st season this morning and I can tell you that TV show is great. This movie is not as great as the TV show but it's not bad either. It's actually pretty good. It is based on the novels from Lemony Snicket, mainly the 1st three books, "The Bad Beginning", "The Reptile Room" and "The Wide Window". The movie adaptation is not as nasty and grim as the novels. It treats us with excellent visual effects and an outstanding performance from Jim Carrey. NPH is amazing too in the Netflix treatment but Carrey gives this role a manic and a hilarious turn. Some of the special effects are not that great, looked a bit fake, a couple of scenes are slightly boring and the execution is a bit flawed in some departments. The performances from the supporting cast are very good as well but Carrey steels the spotlight. From my part, I prefere the Netflix version but the movie deserves multiple watches, mainly for the performance of Jim Carrey. 7.5/10
 Well that's all for today. Tomorrow I'm posting reviews for "Arrival" and "Nocturnal Animals" so be on the lookout for that. Have a nice day and, remember, REVIEWS ARE NOT AN OBLIGATION, THEY ARE A PLEASURE!


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