The Girl on the Train (2016) Movie Review

The Girl on the Train (2016) Review

Hi guys. Welcome back to Movie Reviews. Let me ask you question. Have you ever seen two bad movies in the same week? Not to mention the same weekend. Maybe you have or maybe you haven't but the point is that I saw two bad movies this weekend. Friday I saw "Assassin's Creed" and yesterday I saw this boring movies. Because it is boring. There is some suspense and tension, the atmosphere is perfect for a thriller but the way it is handled, it's just poorly. It's based on, and this is from the trailer, " the thriller that shocked the world" but I was not shocked, not just a little. It is predictable, boring, uninteresting and performance wise, not spectacular. Emily Blunt tries her best and so are the other actors but that is not enough to save this slow paced melodrama. 2016 has not been the year for Emily Blunt: first was that unnecessary "The Huntsman: Winter's War" and then there was this. Maybe the book is good, I don't know but the movie is a waste of time. It tries very much to be the next "Gone Girl" but it fails on every step. Be your own movie, don't try and copy or surpass another movie. 4.5/10


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