The Birth of a Nation (2016) Movie Review

The Birth of a Nation (2016) Review

This movie is better known because of the accusations of it's director and lead actor Nate Parker. But don't let that stop you for seeing this movie. It is powerful, sends a vital and emotional message, well acted and well directed. It has a story, a real story, that is familiar and has been told in other movies like "12 years a slave" and, in a more violent and unreal way, "Django Unchained". The problem with this movie is that it's narrative has some flaws and the execution is a bit sloppy and uneven. It has a slow pace and it takes a long time to build up to the mutiny of the slaves, which lasts less than 15 minutes, I think. The performances are great and Nate Parker deserves some prays for the portrayal of the character/person and for the way he tells the story. It is not '12 years a slave", which I think it tries to be, but it's not a bad movie. 7.2/10


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