Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016) Movie Review

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016) Review

Honestly, I enjoyed the first movie and I was looking forward to this one. The first 15-20 minutes of the movie are great, the opening scene is great but from then on it becomes predictable, coincidental and formulaic. The action is good, Tom Cruise does a very good job, as always, and it's good to see Cobbie Smulders in a leading role but, unfortunately, she plays a different version of Maria Hill from "The Avengers" movies. The movie turns into a road trip at some point and some of the scenes make this sequel very hard to take it seriously. It's just Jack Reacher playing house and it's just not good. It's silly, over the top, laughable and not a good action movie. The title itself is a warning and a sign. Let's hope they "never go back" and make a third one. 6/10


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