Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Review

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today I'm reviewing the the first avenger. So, this is the lesser of the Captain America movies, but when I say lesser I don't mean bad. This is not a bad movie. Is actually pretty great. You got very good action, a retro and old school vibe, stellar cast, great performances, awesome villain and some good humor as well. It's directed by Joe Johnston, who also gave us "Jumanji" and "The Wolfman" from 2010. And, unfortunately, "Jurassic Park III" as well. And the only decent movie from those three is "Jumanji". But with this one he does a nice job. Who would have thought that an old-fashioned Marvel movie could be so entertaining. Of course, there are some bits that don't work. The pacing is a bit slow at the beginning but the way that Steve Rogers is introduced is excellent. We get a scrawny kid who wants to join the army and fight for his country. And then he is recruited for the special serum program and becomes Captain America. So no matter how small you are, believe in yourself and you can accomplish anything. If you take steroids. The CGI for thin Steve Rogers was good but, in some scenes, you can tell that the head and the body don't match up. Chris Evans does a very good job and he is Captain America, it's established. Hugo Weaving makes for a great and menacing villain that, I believe, is never going to come back. And I don't know why Marvel is doing this. So, the movie is a good character introduction and a step into the right direction. 8/10


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