Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) Movie Review

Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) Review

So, this movie is a remake of the 1976 classic. For me, it is a good remake and a nice action B-movie. "Safe House", from 2012, with Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington reminded me of this one, especially at the beginning. Of course, it's predictable, it has too much coincidences and the plot is formulaic. In some parts is a little slow and boring but it compensates with some nice action scenes and some good performances from all of the cast. In some moments they used the shaky cam technique wich takes you out of that particular scene. I did not see the original, but watching this one, I can say that they made a good remake. Formulaic and not memorable but good. If "Die Hard" is the movie to watch every Christmas, you should watch this one, not every New Year's Eve but a couple of times. 7/10


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