Arrival (2016) Movie Review

Arrival (2016) Review

Hi guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! So, today is Amy Adams day with two exceptional movies from last year. What can I say about this movie that has not been already said? It's amazing. It beats any other SF movie. It'n not full of cliches, it's not full of explosions and special effects and the plot is not stupid and/or confusing. The plot is intelligent, the directing is excellent, Dennis Villeneuve, the man behind other great movies like "End of Watch", "Prisoners" and "Sicario", knows how to move his camera to get the best angles. The cinematography is beautiful, the performances are amazing, especially Amy Adams and the score is superb. The movie is a must-see, delivering an experience like never before, filled with smart and heavy themes that are anchored by an emotional backstory. It's a brainy SF movie that you understand and it's not confusing. Astonishing work! 9.5/10


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