Oz The Great and Powerful (2013) Movie Review

Oz The Great and Powerful (2013) Review

I forgot to say that I'm posting this reviews now and I'm doing it from work because tonight I will see "Assassin's Creed", review will be up tomorrow night, and I just don't have the time to post this tonight. One down, one to go. So this is a prequel to the 1939 classic and it shows us how the wizard became Oz. First of all, the movie looks similar to the 2010 "Alice in Wonderland" by Tim Burton. Why? Because one of the producers from that movie worked on this one as well. The music is done by Danny Elfman, with whom Sam Raimi worked on the Spider-Man trilogy and he is an old collaborator of Tim Burton as well. So you can see why these two movies are similar. The tone is darker, but a bit inconsistent,  the visual effects are dazzling and full of color and the movie is entertaining, with some funny moments as well. The performances of James Franco and the other cast, especially the three witches, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz and Michelle Williams, are great and we have a cameo of Sam Raimi's longtime friend, Bruce Campbell. There is no singing in this one, which was not a bad decision and, apart from a couple of inconsistencies and a few slow paces, the movie is entertaining and visually stunning. 8/10


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