The Avengers (2012) Movie Review

The Avengers (2012) Review

So everyone that I know was so hyped for this movie, back in 2012. And I to as well. And we got what we hoped for. This movie was and still is the greatest Marvel movie to date. It is the dream team up that every nerd, comic book enthusiast and movie enthusiast was thinking about. It has everything. It starts off strong, with the introduction of the villain, another great performance by Tom Hiddleston as Loki, then it builds up with some introductions of the Avengers, that are very subtle and entertaining in their own way. He have some nicely done quarrels and little fights throughout the movie that are setting the stage for the ultimate battle. Superb action, an excellent and smart script, good dialogue, excellent set pieces, very good special effects, hilarious, good humor and the Hulk never looked better. And the way that Josh Whedon shows us that this team is not the ideal one, with the bickering and the quarrels between its members, a major death of a character,(spoiler!), agent Coulson, brings them together and they the ultimate team of superheroes. And it appeals to their humanity as well. Yes, they have special abilities and skills, but in the end, their as human as the rest of us. A thing that I don't understand is why they don't bring back agent Coulson. The people that watches "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." know that he is not dead. So why don't they bring him back for another Marvel movie? Maybe legally issues, I don't know. Leaving that aside, a top notch job with this one. Very very good! 9.5/10

OK guys, that was all for today. Tomorrow be ready for the reviews of "Iron Man 3" and Thor: The Dark World". So tune in tomorrow. Take care and have a nice day!


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