Fences (2016) Movie Review

Fences (2016) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today I'm reviewing the third directorial effort from Denzel Washington, after "Antoine Fisher" and "The Great Debaters". The movie is based on a Pulitzer winning play, with the same name, written by August Wilson, who died in 2005 but managed to write a script for this movie. Denzel Washington and Viola Davis reprise their roles from the Broadway play, performed in 2010. Let me say that the movie is powerful and dramatic. You can see that it was based on a play by the way it was written, the way the actors performed, the camera angles, the dialogue, one scene happening in one place. Even the sets looked like it was a play. Like they've took the play from the stage and put it onto the screen. It's remarkable. Very well written, beautifully acted, with Oscar winning performances by the two leads, excellent set pieces, dramatic, emotional, tense and with a bit of humor sprinkled throughout. The title, "Fences", has two meanings: for Troy it symbolizes a way to keep Death from coming and an emotional barrier between him, his sons and the world; for Rose it reflects the efforts she makes to keep her loved ones safe and sound. I'm romanian and we have, in our country, a similar tale called "Morometii". So I can say that this movie is the american version of that story. It is gripping, emotional, dramatic, well acted, well directed, well written and a beautiful from stage to screen adaptation. 9.2/10 

OK guys, that is all for today. Tune in tomorrow when I review the third collaboration between Peter Berg and Mark Wahlberg called "Patriots Day" and "Hacksaw Ridge", the newly directed movie from Mel Gibson. Take care and have a nice day!


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