Groundhog Day (1993) Movie Review

Groundhog Day (1993) Review

Hi guys. Guess what? It's reviewing time. Welcome back to Movie Reviews. This movie I wanted to see for a very long time and finally I saw it. And I love it. The premise is funny, wacky and smart, the performances are great, especially mister Bill Murray, showing that he could be, not only a comedian but also a dramatic actor. A special shout out goes to the late Harold Ramis (R.I.P.) whose directing encapsulates perfectly the whimsical feel of this inventive plot. The chemistry between Andie Macdowell and Bill Murray is excellent and the supporting cast does a bang on job as well. It is a sweet and romantic movie, filled with funny and dramatic bits. A classic and a must see. For some, the length of the movie may be long but it never disappoints. 8.5/10


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