Sing Street (2016) Movie Review

Sing Street (2016) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today I'm reviewing another stunning musical comedy-drama, the other being "La La Land", and the title of the movie is actually the name of the band from the film. It's directed by John Carney, the man responsible for "Once" and "Begin Again" and like in the second movie, the director chooses to let the characters sing and make a video outside, which is brilliant. It has a familiar plot, but the music and the heartfelt emotion of the story can keep you invested in the movie. It has a great soundtrack, not only from the original songs played throughout the movie but also from the songs played by the band. Some funny scenes, here and there, excellent performances and even Jack Reynor, who is a 99 cent version of Chris Pratt and I didn't find him that good in the 4th "Transformers" movie, does an excellent job. I like the movie more than others because there are some songs in the original soundtrack that I used to listen in my childhood on VH1, and made feel nostalgic. It's funny, emotional, dramatic, optimistic and full of awesome music. Definitely worth watching. 9/10

OK guys, that is all for today. Tomorrow I'm going to post a review for a foreign movie, a japanese one, featuring the vs. between the spirit from "The Grudge" and Samara from "The Ring" and it's called "Sadako v Kayako". I hope is going to be interesting so keep an eye on that. Have a nice day and remember, REVIEWS ARE NOT AN OBLIGATION, THEY ARE A PLEASURE!


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