Patriots Day (2016) Movie Review

Patriots Day (2016) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today we are talking about the third collaboration between director Peter Berg and actor/producer Mark Wahlberg. Inspired from the tragedy that was the Boston Marathon bombing from April 15th 2013, the movie is a tribute to all the people and heroes that were part of that tragedy. Doing what Peter Berg does best with movies inspired from true events, the movie looks genuine, combining very well actual footage from the incident with movie scenes. The performances are very good and the director is capturing the essence of the movie, which not all of the based on true events movies often achieve. You can feel the emotion, the drama, the terror and all of the feelings that those people were going thru. You can empathize with them. And the fact that this happened just almost 4 years ago and it's still fresh in memory it's just outstanding. Another good job from team Berg and Wahlberg. 3 in a row. Well acted, well directed, emotional, dramatic, does not fall into the cliches of a random action thriller with some silly chase scenes. The shootout is amazing and very well done. Excellent! 8.5/10


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