Assassin's Creed (2016) Movie Review

Assassin's Creed (2016) Review

My God! This movie is bad, I mean really bad. Frankly, I did not had great expectations because I knew from other movie critics that this one got negative reviews. And man they were right. First of all, let's get the good things out of the way. The fight choreography is brilliant, the scenes from 1400 Spain are well made and the cast is excellent. And some of the effects are average. Now for the bad things. First of all the plot is stupid and nonsensical, the characters are underdeveloped, the camera work is all over the place and most of all is shaky cam that you cannot understand what the hell is going on. Some scenes are not lit very well. This director, Justin Kurzel, who worked with Fassbender and Cotillard on the superb "Macbeth" from 2015, decided to use the jump cuts for most of the fight scenes which was annoying. It jumped from past to present and from present to past, which made me very angry. Most of the story takes place in the modern times instead in 1400 Spain, which I have liked to see more of that because the "action" in modern times is boring, filled only with discussions and a idiotic second plot which was the mutiny that the other assassins were planning. The name of the artifact, the Apple of Eden (of course!), made me chuckle every time I herd it and when I found that what it does, it strips you from your free will, I told myself "What am I doing watching this?". So stupid. The performances were shallow, especially Marion Cotillard which performance was weird and disturbing. Michael Fassbender is good, playing the two roles and Jeremy Irons,  Brendan Gleeson and Charlotte Rampling were underused. Sincerely, the movie is better made than other video game adaptations but, unfortunately, the low quality of the execution and the final result makes this a bad movie. Will they ever make a good video game movie? Let us hope. The director left some room for a sequel but I don't think that is going to happen.6/10


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