Queen of Katwe (2016) Movie Review

Queen of Katwe (2016) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today is sports drama based on true events. So, everybody knows that Disney knows how to do animation but they also know how to do sports movies based on true events and people. Another example of this kind of movie is "A Million Dollar Arm" from 2014 with John Hamm. This one is based on a real life story of a teenage girl by the name of Phiona Mutesi, played brilliantly by newcomer Madinga Nalwanga. Although it has the cliches of any sports drama, with the underdog story, the movie is elevated by extraordinary performances from Lupita Nyong'o and David Oyelowo, very good storytelling by director Mira Nair, brilliant execution and writing. Last year I saw another good movie about chess that was based on a true story and that was "Pawn Sacrifice" with Tobey Maguire. But that movie had a darker tone when this one has a lighter tone and it is a feel good movie. The way the director presents the harsh living conditions in Uganda and how this girl managed to rise up and look towards the future with a happy face is amazing. Just how I said that "Premium Rush" is the ultimate cycling movie this one is the ultimate chess movie. Perfect for chess enthusiasts. 9.2/10

All right guys, that is all for today. Tune in tomorrow because I'm posting reviews for "Imperium" and "A Monster Calls". Have a nice day!


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