
Se afișează postări din 2018

Aquaman (2018) Movie Review

Aquaman (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back! A bit late that I have anticipated this review will come but with the new site in development and Christmas I did not find the time to do this review but I found a brake from the preparations for New Year, which I will spend in the mountains, to review this movie.  So, if anyone was thinking that Aquaman was just a goofy looking hero, being mocked because of his costume and powers, the ability to talk to fish mostly, that is all in the past because Aquaman has turned into one bad ass hero and his ability to talk to fish plays an important role into his recognition as the true king of Atlantis, which I found it very clever how this movie took something ridiculous and turn into something impactful. And the whole movie is like that, with messages that have a real impact on the audience because it talks about the pollution of the oceans and race equality as well. That is one of the good things from this movie, which, to my surpris

Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle (2018) Movie Review

Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Review #100%! Well, we all know the story of the Jungle Book and the adventures of Mowgli and Co. from the book and the classic animation to the live action remake from 2016 and now, this one directed by Andy Serkis, who brings a bit of a darker tone to the story. The story goes as you know it but with some few, minor differences in between that unfortunately, erases all of the heartfelt emotions that other adaptations had. Fortunately, the movie compensates with the special effects and imagery of the landscapes and the environment. Unfortunately, it looks a bit dodgy with the animals because the ones from the Disney version looked a lot better and genuine than the ones from this movie.  As I said, the story loses it's momentum and heart along the way but, the darker tone and the performances may satisfy the people that wanted something a bit different. Speaking of performances, we have Christi

Mortal Engines (2018) Movie Review

Mortal Engines (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews #100%! So, from today I will only be concentrating on doing reviews for the movies that I am seeing in the theater, with some few exceptions and that is because I am developing a new site for reviews and, hopefully, will be online at the beginning of 2019. For the remaining of the 2018 I will be doing the reviews on this site.  Now, that I have got that out of the way, let's proceed with the review of this new fantasy adventure movie from the famous Peter Jackson. Let me start by saying that I love the Lord of the Rings trilogy and I enjoyed The Hobbit trilogy and, as far as this movie is concerned, I liked it and I enjoyed it. I did not love it because the main story and other plot points of the movie feel to familiar with movies like The Terminator , Mad Max, The Mortal Instruments and, especially, Star Wars. The similarities that this movie and the others that I have mentioned share are so obvious

Creed 2 (2018) Movie Review

Creed 2 (2018) Review So, the third and final review is for the eight movie in the Rocky franchise and the second one in the Creed franchise. I loved the first movie which was a similar story with the first Rocky  just like J.J Abrams did with Force Awakens. This one is Rocky IV all over again but it's still packs a punch. Staying true to the formula, the movie offers little in terms of surprises but the way it was shot, the fight choreography and the emotional punch make this movie on kinda the same level as the first one. Although we have seen this movie before, the heart of the story and the stakes that are considerably higher than in the last one, Creed 2 feels more than a Rocky sequel. It has some nostalgia of course, so many scenes that are mirroring scenes from Rocky IV but, despite all that, the familiarity and used up formula, the movie works. Stallone and B.Jordan are, again, the perfect combo for this movies, Tessa Thompson being a great addition. Lundgren's

The Grinch (2018) Movie Review

The Grinch (2018) Review Here we are again with a second review for this day. We all now the story of the Grinch right? Because it is the same story with this adaptation as well but, the difference between this one and the one with Jim Carrey is that is more suitable for children and families, containing also a special message about family and the connection between all of us, however different we are. Like I said, it does not offer anything new in terms of story, it's basically very much like the one from 2000, with some minor differences but it looks beautiful, the animation is extremely colorful and vivid. Sound design is also very good, with some sound effects that hit the mark and the voice acting is perfect. Cumberbatch makes for a very suitable Grinch and his conundrums are going to give the kids and adults as well some very good laughs.  Overall, not much originality but a good addition into these animated movies adapted from Dr. Seuss and, if your kid does not app

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) Movie Review

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews #100%! Yes, I changed the name into something a bit more out of the box, just like my personality. Today being my day off I have decided to post 3 movie reviews in one shot because of my busy schedule. The review for this movie it should have been posted last week but, unfortunately, did not find the time and I got some penalties because of that but, fortunately, it all worked out in the end.  So, being a Potter head myself, I was very eager to see this movie because I enjoyed the first one, did a review for that as well, you can find it here, on my blog and I hoped that it will be as good as the first one. For me, at least, it was but, unfortunately, not as good as the first. I am saying that because it feels less magical and more fan service, especially for the Potter fans. The story is quite weak, for the ones that are not a Harry Potter fan it will be hard to understand b

Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) Movie Review

Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Bloody hell, I definitely need to change that title! Feel free to jump in with some opinions. It has been a while since my last review but with the work and the graphic design course that I am taking right now, it's been a bit difficult to focus on this site as well but, I am hoping that things will simmer down a bit.  So, this movie has been anticipated since it was announced and, if you are a true Queen fan you will surely appreciate this movie, not for the story but for the music and the acting. Why do I say not for story? Well, because I expected that with a very famous band like Queen and his more famous lead singer, the story will be presented different like in the other biopics that I have seen across the years and I have seen many. Unfortunately, the movie goes by the rule of '' if it's not broken why not use it'' and that is the main problem of the movie beca

Halloween (2018) Movie Review

Halloween (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, it's been a bit of a break since my last review and that is because I am a bit tide up with work and I haven't been around that much to do the reviews but I am going do one or two now, when I have some little free time and what better review than the 2018 follow up to the 1978 original and the third sequel in the Halloween franchise. Confused? I don't blame if you are not because this movie erased all of the previous and sort of disappointing sequels, some more than others. I mean, the one from 1981, Halloween II was OK, Season of the Witch was interesting, although it had nothing to do with the two previous movies, the 4th and 5th were poor sequels, H20 was a bit of an improvement, Resurrection was all but forgettable and don't get me started with Rob Zombie's movies because those were just the worst, especially the second one. The original was a masterpiece and this one is cl

First Man (2018) Movie Review

First Man (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, for today, we are going to the moon alongside Ryan Gosling with this very personal take on the famous Apollo 11 moon landing. When I saw this movie I immediately thought about the Apollo 13 movie, which I saw again recently and that movie, which is a extraordinary piece of work from start to end, it's main focus was the mission and the problems that they were trying to get by in order to return safely back. This one, however, has the moon landing but it has a more personal focus in the life of Neil Armstrong, his family and his struggle to overcome certain obstacles that, eventually, leads him commanding the Apollo 11 mission. It's not for everyone because it's kinda of a slow walk to the main event, it has some very emotional and dramatic parts, some of them a bit slow and that can take some of you out but it's worth it. The length it's a bit long that it should have been,

Venom (2018) Movie Review

Venom (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, for today I have special one, a movie I have waited for a long time now, with a character that I wanted to see it brought to justice since Spider-Man 3 because well know how that turned out. So, I am here to tell you that the character of Venom still needs a good movie because this one is not it, or not what I was expected it to be. All of us remember the Deadpool fiasco from the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie and the Phoenix debacle from the third X-Men movie. Well, Deadpool found his footings, the Phoenix will have to wait next summer but with Venom, this was not the case. Let me breaking down.  First of all, the script is awful, with some cringe dialogue, uninspired character decisions and a narrative that did not know in which direction to go, it was just back and forth the whole movie. Like, is it a comedy, a horror movie or a SF. It does have horror elements in some parts but, unfortunately

Johnny English Strikes Again (2018) Movie Review

Johnny English Strikes Again (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Man, this month is kinda shaping up to be a busy one. Today, we say farewell to Britain's top spy in his latest and final mission and here are my thoughts about it.  The series did not begin well, it kinda improved with the second and it ended, mostly, in a low note. Look, you can still have fun with this movie, it has some good scenes that, I will not lie, made me laugh very hard, one in particular that is just hilarious but, for the most part, the movie is filled with the same tired out humor like before, nothing new and nothing original, actually. It kinda borrows elements from the previous two movies, especially the first and, at one point, in some parts, it's basically the same movie. Also, the movie is cliched and predictable because it does not offer anything new, there are things that we have seen before and that takes out the surprise factor. Atkinson's comedi

Johnny English Reborn (2011) Movie Review

Johnny English Reborn (2011) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! God, I really need to change that title. Sorry, got off track a bit there. So, this review is about the second Johnny English movie because tonight, I am going to see the third one with a review to be posted later in the night. So, what I can say is that the second one it's a bit of an improvement over the first one, which was not that memorable to begin with. The humor is kinda the same, full of old spoof type of comedy that we have seen before in others, mainly in the Austin Powers franchise, which brings me to say that this series maybe tried to evoque the style of that trilogy but with notable lower results. I will not lie, I had some good laughs as well, more than with the first and Atkinson is still funny but, unfortunately, his humor is kinda dried out. There are some characters that are introduced with no information or some exposition of any kind, with no mention of those ch

Johnny English (2003) Movie Review

Johnny English (2003) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, here we are again, it's a new month, one of my personal favorite because it's the month of Halloween and I like horror movies but today I am not going to talk about a horror movie but just the opposite, a comedy, a spy comedy, more of a spoof actually. Because another Johnny English movie is coming, I figured that it will be best to put my thoughts down on the first two. So, without further ado, here is what I think about the first one. So, there's not much to say about this movie but, as you can see, it's a parody to spy movies, mainly the James Bond ones. And, I know, Mike Myers did it first with the Austin Powers series and, make no mistake, those movies are way better than this one but, if you are a true fan of Rowan Atkinson and the character Bean, you will appreciate this movie. It's got the Atkinson humor, the type of comedy that made us laugh when he played Mr.

Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018) Movie Review

Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! OK, I know I did not do a review for the first Sicario movie but what I can tell you is that movie was awesome, full very well build up tension, with some good action sequences, a touch of drama, excellent performances from a stellar cast that made it one of the better action thrillers in recent years.  The second one, however, it's good but not as good as the first one. One thing that I can say is missing from this one is Emily Blunt because it's good to have a powerful female character to even out the balance with the all male cast. Isabela Moner is a good presence but she is not enough to balance the scale. While the first one was an intensive action thriller this one is more of a character study, mainly Benicio Del Toro's character. Make no mistake, the movie still has some intense action sequences, suspense, a stylish look and some dynamic drama as well. Great perf

The First Purge (2018) Movie Review

The First Purge (2018) Review Hello again guys. So, this is the third review for today and the fourth movie in this franchise and also the first because it's a prequel of how everything started. Like with the  Ocean's movies, I did not review the first three movies but I can summarize them like this: the first one was fine, for the most part, the second one was good, full of action and the third one was so-so. This one, however, is like the third one. Look, if you are a fan of the franchise, like me, you are going to be satisfied with this entry because the right amount of violence to keep you entertained but it's social commentary outshines the action and the bloody scenes. In some parts, the movie is thrilling, it has some horror elements that the other entries don't really have, maybe except for the first one. It's got some suspense but, unfortunately, in the last act of the movie, with no explanation, the movie turns into Die Hard territory which I woul

Ocean's 8 (2018) Movie Review

Ocean's 8 (2018) Review Hello again guys. Like I said, multiple reviews for today. Look, I haven't reviewed the original Ocean's trilogy but I can summarize it for you: the first one is very good, the second one is bad and the third one is OK.  Now, we shall chat about this all female one because why not. In 2016 we got female Ghostbusters which did not fare well and neither did this one. It's not bad but it's not as good as the original ones, except for the second one. The main problem is that the movie choosed to do the same thing like the original one with some minor differences but if you look at it as a whole, it's the same movie. The first scene is exactly like the one from 2001 and more scenes like that followed. Some of these characters are female versions of the male characters in the original trilogy, giving the movie an unoriginal feel, by doing the same thing.  One good thing about this movie, which was also one of the good things from t

Upgrade (2018) Movie Review

Upgrade (2018) Review Hello again and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Sorry for taking so long to get this review posted but I am having a very busy period and I can't seem to find the time to do these reviews. Hopping this week will be a bit more free but I don't know so, to be safe, I will post a couple of reviews today, instead of one. The first one is for this movie. So, when I saw the trailer for the movie and I saw that it was another revenge story, I was expecting the same old thing but I was very surprised, in a good way, that this movie took that premise and gave it, shall I say, an upgrade. A tune up, if you will.  The director of the movie, Leigh Whannell, who created two of the most popular horror franchises, Saw and Insidious manages to bring a fresh take on an overused premise and give it a twist that only he can be capable of giving.  Besides the story, that is well told and well developed, with characters that are given the right amount

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Movie Review

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, for today we are going to take a stroll, in a galaxy far far away with our favorite rascal pilot and smuggler, Han Solo. Not the one who was stabbed by his son in Force Awakens but the younger version of him. With every of these origin stories of beloved and popular characters, you know what to expect and this one, I can say, it doesn't offer a new take on this type of a story. We find out how he got his name, Solo and how he got his blaster but in the most common and uneventful way. If I can say, in the most ridiculous way possible which I did not like. The movie it's not as bad you think, it has some good things that might redeem itself. It has some good action scenes, some very nice humor between Han and Chewie, in particular. It has a fast pace, it doesn't linger to much on a particular set piece, which are great by the way and the visuals are stunning, like in ev

TAG (2018) Movie Review

TAG (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, after all of those Predator movies I felt that a change of pace was needed and this movie had the premise and the cast to make me feel interested. The movie did not disappoint, if you want to watch a nice and pretty good comedy.  What I find interesting and also a bit unbelievable is the fact that the premise of the movie is based on a real thing. This really happened, apparently and is just bonkers but, at the same time, a good way to keep in touch, pun intended here, with friends from your childhood. To be frank, there aren't many people who stay in touch with friends from childhood and, ultimately, this is what the movie is about, keeping the connection with the people that are important in your life, whether is your friends, girlfriends and even family.  The cast is great, the comedy is satisfying and I very much enjoyed the tagging scenes. Really liked that slow motion effect, it really

The Predator (2018) Movie Review

The Predator (2018) Review Hello again guys! So, the new movie. Was it good? Was it bad? Well, it was definitely a combination between those two. Why do I say that? I shall elaborate.  First of all, the horror element that made the original that good is completely gone in this one and it was replaced by the classical Shane Black humor and comedic moments, which was not an entirely bad thing. Although the original was violent, this one takes violence to a whole new lever, ramping up the gore and blood. The main reason of the increased violence was the jacked up predator which I wasn't really a fan of because I always enjoined that the original predator was just something that was a little more bigger than a normal human. It  was more relatable. The movie is full of action sequences that, although awesome and entertaining, they feel hollow and with no substance to them. Another bad thing about this movie was the story, that most of it did not make any sense and some there ar

Predators (2010) Movie Review

Predators (2010) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, I said I would do the reviews for the two AVP movies but, judging by the extremely low quality of those movies, especially the second one with the first being somewhat entertaining albeit very dumb, I have decided that a review for those two was not really necessary. With this reboot however, things are not the same. There aren't good but not as as you would think either.  Let me begin by saying that this reboot elevated, in a small way, the franchise with its sheer use of violence and gore, some good action scenes, although in a small amount with a story that is similar with the one from the original but with some differences and speaking of the original, this one has some nods to it. Unoriginal and uninspired but they get a pass from me because, in a way, it was a testament of how great the original was. We have a good cast, with characters that are socially and culturally different, lov

Predator 2 (1990) Movie Review

Predator 2 (1990) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Today the hunt continues with the second movie in the Predator franchise that, surprisingly, when I saw it again, I actually enjoyed it. Make no mistake, it did not topped the original, not even close but I enjoyed the fact that it stayed with the same combination of sci-fi and action plus some horror bits and pieces.  On the action part, it does fairly well, not as good as the first but it's satisfying. The story is almost the same, with the location being a different type of jungle, the concrete jungle of L.A. The special effects are not as good as in the first, which is a surprise and not a good one. Arnie is swapped with detective Murtaugh from Lethal Weapon and here, he does not feel to old for the shit, apparently.  Overall, with a story that is also flawed and with very little connection with the first movie, this one is a thumbs down, albeit the good action sequences. 6/10 OK gu

Predator (1987) Movie Review

Predator (1987) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, this week the hunt is on because we have a new Predator movie coming to theaters and I've decided to re-watch the other movies in which this character appears, even the two AVP movies. So, let's chat a bit about the best of the bunch. Before I get into it, I wanna point out, for the people that do not know this fact, that the current director for the new Predator is Shane Black, the same one that appeared in the original movie. So, if you did not know now you do. I shall proceed with the review. The thing that this movie does best is to blend, successfully, I might ad, 3 distinct genres: horror, action and sci-fi. The movie starts of great, with the horror element being present plus a bit of mystery added to create the necessary tension and suspense, which it did. Then, in the second act, the action part steps in, beautifully handled and constructed. Action scenes filled with big ex

The Nun (2018) Movie Review

The Nun (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, say you prayers and drink some holly water because it's time for the darkest chapter of the ConjuVerse, that is how I refer to this whole series and the most unholy one. To understand how I fell about the movies from this universe, I very much enjoyed the two Conjuring movies, I liked Annabelle:Creation and I despise Annabelle. This one is kinda 50/50 for me because it has some flaws that I can't get past. With that said, let's get the bad things out of the way first. First of all, the movie's script is less than desirable because it's very inconsistent, story wise, which is a bit illogical, with characters that are introduced in a very flimsy way, with almost no backstory or some type of an exposition. It's very cliched, like so many horror movies from the last years, with some exceptions of course, making it very, very predictable and annoying at the same time. It&#

Slender Man (2018) Movie Review

Slender Man (2018) Review Hello again guys and here is my second review of another horror movie but very different than the first, in terms of execution, story and quality.  In Hereditary you got the best of both world, in terms of style and substance. In this one, however, it's all style and no substance whatsoever. And even the style is not so much to look at but the main problem of the movie is the titular character, who has a very thin backstory that is practically nonexistent. It relies heavily on cheap jump scares, genre cliches and predictability that any shred of a substance for this movie is gone.  However, there is some good to get out of this and that is the haunting atmosphere that, to my surprise, it really works. Plus, combined with some of the imagery, that is a bit disturbing and the sound effects, which are very chilling, you get, at least in some occasions, some traces of a good horror movie.  Overall, despite of that, the movie is very cliched, w

Hereditary (2018) Movie Review

Hereditary (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, for today, I have to very different horror movies, both in quality and execution but let's talk about the better one, which is this one, a type of horror that I enjoy very much, a movie that does not rely just only on cheap jump scares, genre cliches, predictability, bloody violence and grisly images. This movie can be categorized as a smart horror movie, kinda like A Quiet Place and Get Out , two excellent movies, not just horror movies but actual movies. But I digress. This movie has everything going for it, it has a bone chilling atmosphere combined with some great sound effects that offers a really scary experience. I mentioned earlier it does not rely on jump scares because there isn't a horror movie that does't contain at least a couple of jump scares but this one really knows how to utilize them, choosing the perfect moments to spring them out and that is a smart use of a j

Ready Player One (2018) Movie Review

Ready Player One (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, today I am reviewing one of my favorite movies of the year and one that is, at least in my opinion, up there with other great movies from Spielberg.  I read the book after I saw the movie and I can tell you that they scrapped and changed a lot from the book but I still found it satisfying, pleasing and well adapted. And I can say that I was very happy to hear that Spielberg was going back to what he does best and that is being a storyteller, putting together an adventure on the silver screen and this movie is just that, a return to his roots, sort of speak. It has excitement, love, fun, some very good humor, a ton of brilliant special and visual effects and it combines very well a kind of a coming of age story with elements of SF.  What makes this movie great is the references to pop culture and if you like those types of things, with nostalgia and everything, mainly from the 80'

Tomb Raider (2018) Movie Review

Tomb Raider (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, this one has been a long time coming because I have seen the movie when it came out, in March but I did not have time to do a review but I do have time and I make money out of this so, let's just dive in. To say that I enjoyed the two Angelina Jolie's Tomb Raider movies is a overstatement because I haven't. Yes, you can have fun with them but they aren't good movie, especially the second one. And the track for a good, well, at least average movie based on a game is not spectacular since the first Mortal Kombat came. This one did not deviate from that track but is not the worst. I can tell you that is better than the other two but, unfortunately, it has a very low quality origin story. And not very inspired, I might add. The good parts are the approach, which is more grounded in reality and Alicia Vikander, which holds up her part of the deal with style and commitment. What ca

The Hurricane Heist (2018) Movie Review

The Hurricane Heist (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, this movie is not one of the movie that I missed but it's a movie that I wanted to see and I don't know why is that because this is just not good.  What can I say about this movie is that I liked the main idea, combining the disaster movie genre with the heist movie genre. And this is the single positive thing about this movie. Other things, which are not so positive, are as follows: the main plot does not exist or is very simplistic and, if that is the case, it makes no difference; the script is awful, with lines of dialogue that are just plain stupid and felt that it was written by a 5 year old; it's so predictable that you can guess what will happen next, so the tension and suspense are gone, which, actually, it wasn't even any suspension or tension to begin with; it offers nothing new expect for the main idea of the movie, which has some originality to it; acting

The Strangers: Prey at Night (2018) Movie Review

The Strangers: Prey at Night (2018) Review Hello again for the second time today! So, I just posted the review for the first movie and now, let's get cracking with the second one which, in my opinion, it's a pointless, useless and a to little to late sequel.  If you thought the first one had no originality, this one has even less than that, if that's possible. It has a thin written story, with characters that you don't spend a lot of time with and, ultimately, you don't care about them. It has the same genre tropes and cliches and, although the first movie had some tension and suspense, this one is full on cliched and relying more on cheap jump scares and bloody violence. It's so predictable that it's infuriating to expect and predict all the things that are going to happen and how it ends.  Overall, like I said before, it has no place, it should not exist and the only people that would enjoy this movie are the ones that liked the first one so m

The Strangers (2008) Movie Review

The Strangers (2008) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! So, I saw the second movie a while back, which I will review also. Because of that, I thought that it's fitting to give you a review for the first one as well.  When I saw this one, for the first time, I had a pretty good opinion about it. Seeing it again, that opinion slightly changed and I will tell you why. The main reason is that, being part of the slasher genre, you would expect that, maybe, just maybe, you will get something new and fresh but you don't. It contains the same tropes and cliches of the other movies in this genre. Granted, there is some suspense and some tense scenes that you can enjoy and, being based on a real life case, it's more grounded in reality than other movies like Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween but, like I said, it does offer anything new. Acting wise it's OK, both Liv Tyler and Scott Speadman are believable and the chemistry

Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) Movie Review

Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, as you know, from my review, that I really enjoyed the first movie and I was really entertained by the sheer action and special effects. With the sequel, I did not get quite the same feel but I was entertained enough to give this one a pass.  The thing that disappointed me is that it has nothing new to offer, that you haven't already seen in the first one. The story is almost similar, it boroughs stuff from other movies, like Ender's Game for example, it has the cliches specific for the genre, making it predictable and without any surprises whatsoever. The characters are cliched and typical and that means that the movie has a very big lack in originality. Except for what I just said, the movie makes up those mistakes in the action and special effects department, although you don't get a lot of kaiju vs. yager fights. Oh, and another thing that I noticed is that the

Pacific Rim (2013) Movie Review

Pacific Rim (2013) Review Well, this one was not on my program for today but, because I am seeing for the third time it's sequel, which I am going to review tomorrow, I thought to review the first one as well and I can tell you that the first one is way better than the second one. First, because it has Del Toro in the director's chair, who know how to manage a movie that features monsters and weird creatures but it can give it a very poetic imagery but not in this case. Second, it has a good and simple story, appealing and believable characters, a good distribution and lots of action, special effects that look amazing and great fights between the robots and the monsters. That it what you want from a movie like this, to be entertained and boy you are here! It is exactly what I was expecting, even from the get go. Dumb fun that I can enjoy.  It's the type of movie where the style out measures the substance, which is fine by me. I don't need some over the top

Red Sparrow (2018) Movie Review

Red Sparrow (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! So, here is another movie that I saw a couple of months back but I did not have time to do a review for it and now I got the time but barely. So, when I saw I was expecting a good, sexy and thrilling spy movie but I did not got any of that because this movie it's just all over the place. It was trying to achieve that higher note but, unfortunately, it fell short. Although Jennifer Lawrence does a very good job, it's just not enough to make this movie what it should have been. It's just average. There are characters that are very thinly written and it has a very convoluted story, which makes most of the movie to be boring and incapable of keeping you invested. Plus, it's long, to long that it should have been.  To be frank, I was expecting to see the unofficial movie with Black Widow because the backstory of the main character is very similar to that of Natascha Romanoff but, ju

Skyscraper (2018) Movie Review

Skyscraper (2018) Review Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, after The Darkest Minds and The Meg, here is another movie that borrows or uses the same elements from past movies but with a different twist and in a different package. But at it's core, it is the same story. Where The Darkest Minds borrowed from the X-Men movies and other YA adaptations and The Meg borrowed from the other shark movies that came before it, this one is mixing elements from Towering Inferno and, obviously, Die Hard. Well, I can tell you that this concept did not work for me, at least. It has some potential to be a good action/thriller movie but it kinda falls short on the action and thriller part. And, any other part, for the matter.  The casting is great, The Rock is as awesome as ever and it's very nice to see Neve Campbell in a movie again. Unfortunately, the cast in not enough to make this a solid stand out from the other movies in this particular genre. It'